Following her leading role in action-heavy “Furiosa: Mad Max Saga,” Hollywood star Anya Taylor-Joy has revealed the dream musical role she would like to...
The film follows the beloved characters from 2013 hit "Frozen," as they travel to an ancient, autumn-bound forest in search of the origin of Queen Elsa's (voiced by Idina Menzel) magical ice powers
“Star Wars” actors teased an epic sendoff, the cast of “Frozen” sang, and action movie star Dwayne Johnson rolled out in a river boat as Walt Disney Co promoted its upcoming film slate to devoted fans on Saturday.
Scientists have detected a large field of dunes on the surface of the distant, frigid dwarf planet Pluto apparently composed of wind-swept, sand-sized grains of frozen methane.
BEIRUT/AMMAN/WASHINGTON: CIA-coordinated military aid for rebels in northwest Syria has been frozen since they came under major militant attack last month, rebel sources said, raising...
LOS ANGELES: The Walt Disney Co has started work on a sequel to "Frozen," the best-selling animated movie of all time and a global merchandising phenomenon that helped push the media giant to record profits.
LOS ANGELES: Martin Scorsese's "The Wolf of Wall Street" and Disney's animated fantasy hit "Frozen" were the two most pirated films of 2014, according to a firm tracking illegal downloads.
Los Angeles: "The Hunger Games: Catching Fire" continued to light up the box office through the Thanksgiving holiday weekend, collecting $110.2 million over five days to...