Pope Francis Sunday railed against atomic weapons, the nuclear deterrent and the growing arms trade, as he paid tribute to the victims of the "unspeakable horror" of the Nagasaki bomb.
“How could the clerical Church have kept silent, covering these atrocities? The silence, the carrying of the secrets in the hearts of the perpetrators, the length of the abuses and the constant transfers of perpetrators are unimaginable"
Pope Francis has defrocked a former cardinal in a first for the Roman Catholic church over accusations American Theodore McCarrick sexually abused a teenager 50 years ago
A French priest was sentenced to five years, two without parole, for sexually assaulting four young female parishioners, one of whom was just nine when the offences started
VATICAN CITY: Pope Francis on Wednesday compared having an abortion to hiring a "contract killer".
"Interrupting a pregnancy is like eliminating someone," Francis said in...
DUBLIN: Pope Francis marked the first papal visit to Ireland in 39 years by acknowledging that the failure of Church authorities to adequately address...
WASHINGTON: Pope Francis condemned Monday the "atrocities" revealed by a far-reaching US report into clerical child sex abuse in the state of Pennsylvania issued...
VATICAN CITY: Pope Francis appointed 14 new cardinals Thursday, a diverse selection from all over the world including Iraq, Pakistan, Madagascar and Japan whom...
SANTIAGO/VATICAN: Pope Francis acknowledged on Wednesday that he had made “serious mistakes in judgment and perception” of the sexual abuse crisis in Chile, and...
ROME: Pope Francis warned on Wednesday against the temptation of fake news, drawing a parallel between ethically compromised journalism and the biblical tale of...
DHAKA: Pope Francis on Thursday called for “decisive” international measures on the Rohingya refugee crisis as he began a visit to Bangladesh, where more...