Keeping in view the recent smog situation, the Provincial Disaster Management Authority (PDMA) Punjab has notified the imposition of smart lockdown in 10 districts...
LAHORE: The Punjab government on Friday decided to lift smart lockdown imposed to deal with the smog that engulfed several districts, deteriorating the air...
ISLAMABAD: The District Health Officer (DHO) has recommended imposing smart lockdown on 62 localities in the federal capital Islamabad following a rise in COVID-19...
KARACHI: A micro-smart lockdown was imposed in Karachi's Gulshan-e-Iqbal after eleven members of a family tested positive for the Omicron variant of Covid-19.
According to...
PESHAWAR: Local administration in Peshawar on Tuesday imposed smart lockdown in various parts of the provincial capital of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) province in...
KARACHI: Local administration in the city has started implementation on the NCOC directives after it imposed smart lockdown in seven union councils of a...
LAHORE: The government of Punjab has decided to impose micro-smart lockdown in 100 areas of Rawalpindi, ARY News reported on Wednesday.
Provincial secretary health Sara...
GWADAR: The deputy commissioner on Thursday imposed smart lockdown across the Gwadar district after a sharp increase in coronavirus cases, ARY News reported.
A notification...
A notification was issued by the Primary and Secondary Healthcare Department regarding the imposition of smart lockdown in several areas of the cities from May 4 to May 17.
Keeping in view the alarming surge in COVID-19 cases amid the third wave of the disease in Lahore, the district administration has imposed smart lockdown in 15 more areas of the city.
LAHORE: Keeping in view the rising number of COVID-19 cases amid the third wave of the disease, the provincial administration on Saturday imposed smart lockdown in more areas of Lahore, Faisalabad, Gujrat and Multan.
Keeping in view the rising number of coronavirus cases amid the third wave of the disease, the local administration on Thursday imposed a micro smart lockdown in several localities of Karachi’s district Central for two weeks.
However, the government will re-issue instructions to the administrations for strictly following the standard operating procedures (SOPs), said Saeed Ghani.