13 things we bet you didn’t know about Justin Trudeau– Canada’s new Prime Minister

1. He’s boxed in an actual ring as well

If you’re a political opponent, you might not want to get in the ring with Justin Trudeau. He’s boxed in a charity match before and beaten  Canadian Conservative Sen. Patrick Brazeau. Way to go Mr. Prime Minister!

2. His father was also a former Prime Minister of Canada

And a very popular one, at that. Pierre Trudeau was the country’s Prime Minister from 1968 to 1979 and from 1980 to 1984. He was so popular during his era that “Trudeaumania” was a thing when he served as Canada’s administrator. However, during his campaign to be the Prime Minister of Canada, Justin rarely spoke about his father.

3. He’s in favour of legalizing marijuana 

Yes, Mr. Trudeau has campaigned for the legalization of marijuana time and again. The Canadian Prime Minister-in waiting is of the view that the money generated from marijuana would be able to help the government save money in law enforcement.

4. And yes, he’s smoked some too! 

Oh yes, there’s an interesting Prime Minister for you! Justin Trudeau earned the ire of his opponents when he admitted frankly that he had smoked marijuana while he was a sitting representative. So goes his statement:-

“We had a few good friends over for a dinner party, our kids were at their grandmother’s for the night, and one of our friends lit a joint and passed it around. I had a puff.”

5. He was a teacher before he became a politician

Due to his diverse professional background, Justin Trudeau has been again and again on the receiving end of many political taunts and jokes. He responded by stating for the record:-

“I’m proud to be a teacher,” he said. “I’m a son, but I’m also a father. And although I am a leader, I’m here to serve.”

6. He’s visited a mosque in Toronto and also had biryani, clad in sherwani!

Seeing is believing, I guess!

7. He’s terrible when it comes to shaking a leg!

And here he is, busting some serious bhangra

moves on the dance floor!

8. He’s known to let loose brash statements from time to time!

While opponents consider his slip-ups as mistakes, his supporters claim it to be intentional and deliberate. He let loose an F-bomb and also referred to the Canadian Environment Minister  Peter Kent as ‘A piece of s***’ once during a speech!

9. Besides teaching, he’s tried his hand at several professions

Teaching, engineering, bungee-jump coaching and environmental geography, to name a few! The new Canadian Prime Minister has tried his hand at several professions before he decided to pursue his political ambitions.

10. Apparently, he likes to take pictures with babies

Yes, we have more than a few as evidence!

11. His eulogy brought him under national attention

It was Justin’s eulogy at his father’s state funeral in 2001 which brought him under the spotlight, when people saw him as an adult. In his moving eulogy, he said:-

“He loved us with a passion and a devotion that encompassed his life,” Trudeau said. “He taught us to believe in ourselves, to stand up for ourselves, to know ourselves and to accept responsibility for ourselves.”

12. He snubbed his wife after they had met for the first time!

When he first attended a charity event hosted by Sophie Grégoire (who was to be his wife later), they struck up a conversation and she felt a connection with him. Afterwards, she wrote him an email but he snubbed her. A couple of days later, they met on the street and he apologized for the snub and asked for her number, to which she declined. However, eventually he did convince her to go out with him and they ended up getting married years later!

13. As a 4 year-old, he met Prime Minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto of Pakistan

While his father was the Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau met the Pakistani Premier at the time,  Zulfikar Ali Bhutto as a little boy of four.

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