CM Buzdar orders crackdown on profiteers, hoarders

LAHORE: Punjab Chief Minister Sardar Usman Buzdar on Thursday directed vigorous crackdown against the profiteers and herders across the province to overcome the scourge the price hike and to ensure the provision of essential items to people at reasonable price.

Presiding over a high-level meeting at his office, CM Usman Buzdasr ordered a large scale operation against the elements creating artificial price-hike in the province and added that a report should be submitted to his office after taking action against the profiteers.

According to a statement released from his office, the chief minister decided to activate the district price control committees after their reconstitution. It was decided in the meeting that representatives of civil society as well as public representatives will also be included in these committees.

He directed that effective measures should be taken to stabilize the prices of essential items and said that he will go to every extent to provide relief to the masses.

Usman Buzdar maintained that persons responsible for price-hike will be taken to task and asked the deputy commissioners to keep a close eye on prices in their respective districts.

Performance of every district will be monitored with regard to price-hike and best performers will be rewarded while the ones showing poor performance will be held accountable, he added.

The chief minister said, “The line departments should also actively perform to control the prices. I belong to the people of the province and they will not be left at the mercy of profiteers.”

Rate lists should be displayed in shops and indiscriminate action should be initiated against the elements engaged in looting the masses in the name of artificial price-hike, he concluded.

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