In January 2009, US Airways flight 1549 soon after its take-off got hit by a flock of birds which damaged the engine completely. The pilot subtly landed the Airbus having 155 passengers on Manhattan’ River Hudson in vicinity with minimum injuries. This news was first reported by Janis Krums on twitter. Janis was a rescuer who was heading to rescue the passengers when he posted this picture.
The attack on Osama Bin Laden in Pakistani territory was first reported by a local of Abottabad. Sohaib Athar a 33-year-old-IT Consultant unwittingly live blogged the whole event of Osama Bin Laden Raid on his twitter account. The minute-to-minute updates of the events are in his amazing tweets.
Reports on US led Osama Bin Laden raid event came from Pakistani micro-blogger went viral on twitter. However, the news of Osama’s death was also first reports on twitter. The news that American Special Forces have killed Osama, was first reported by Keith Urbahn a former member of US’s former Defense Secretary Don Rumsfeld.
Not only conflicts were reported on twitter but when China was struck by a disastrous earthquake in 2008 the news was first reported on twitter before any mention in mainstream media. Robert Scoble was the one breaking the news when he tweeted the following blog on twitter.
Not only is the source of news but twitter also played a pivotal role in the emancipation of a Japanese journalist from his captors. Japanese journalist Kosuke Tsuneoka was kidnapped by a corrupt military faction in northern Afghanistan for five months in 2010. He tweeted about his kidnap when one his captor asked his help for fathoming out his new phone.
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