8 reasons why PTI's dharna was not in waste

After the Judicial Commission report negated PTI’s allegations of ‘systematic rigging’ in general elections 2013, critics are having a field day bashing Imran Khan and his decision to embark on an anti-government campaign. However, here are 8 reasons why PTI’s dharna was not for nothing:-

1. Imran made one hell of a case

No one can deny the fact that there were irregularities in the general elections 2013 that took place more than two years ago. Pakistan’s non-efficient and shady electoral process damaged the credibility of the results to a great extent.

2. It was indeed an issue-based political protest

Mostly protests in Pakistan take place over petty matters and controversial statements. However, Imran Khan’s rigid stance against electoral discrepancies was meant to rectify the anomalies that are present with the voting system currently in place.

3. It mobilized the masses, something Imran will definitely benefit from in the upcoming days

Sure, Imran might not have succeeded in achieving the goal or target he set out to achieve (which was the resignation of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and subsequent elections) yet he did salvage a lot from his sit-in protest. For one, the dharnas did mobilize Imran’s supporters to a great extent. PTI remained a relevant political entity. Next time Imran has to galvanize support for a political cause, he won’t need to do much to gather swelling numbers in his favour.

4. Rigging: To be or not to be?

Imran Khan’s tirades from the container and PTI’s protest on a daily basis begged the important question: would Pakistani elections ever be rid of electoral rigging? Wouldn’t Pakistan be well off with a transparent electoral process, which guarantees that the elected is recognized truly as the one being the representative of the people? If it weren’t for PTI’s dharna, this issue would not have received so much importance and emphasis.

5. The fault in our politicians!

Almost every other political party had denounced the elections and alleged that the winning party had won via comprehensive rigging. PPP, MQM, JI, ANP, PTI and almost all other major democratic political parties had claimed rigging in the constituencies that they had lost. However, when it came time to walk the walk, none of them took a stand against the menace.

6. It ended on a low note for the man, but he did salvage a saving face, did he not?

Again, yes Imran was not able to achieve his political goals and objectives but he did manage to secure a graceful exit. Khan’s decision to end his protest sit-in after the APS Peshawar massacre, highlighted the fact that he valued national unity above all other aspects. Also, it also highlighted the fact that Khan did not stand up for selfish desires, rather he stood up for national causes.

7. The benefits we derived from Imran’s protest

You have to hand it to Imran; he kept the government at tenterhooks during his dharna protest. So much so that the Federal Government was forced to revise petroleum prices and also lessen electricity charges, in a bid to placate the masses, who were daily being swayed by Imran Khan’s anti-government speeches.

8. It did demonstrate Imran’s intent and the fact that he does not believe in mere sloganeering

Every other political party issued slogans and claimed to be a victim of rigging. However, it was only Imran Khan and his PTI which came forth and launched a full-on protest campaign against the government. Just goes to show how serious Imran was to fight for his rights as well as the rights of the people of Pakistan.

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