AC explosion: Main causes, tips to prevent it

AC explosions Iqarul Hassan prevent investigationAC explosions Iqarul Hassan prevent investigation

Nowadays, you must have seen reels of AC catching fire on social media, especially on Instagram. As global warming is hitting harder every other day, with temperature reaching 50 degrees Celsius, the number of cases of AC blast are on upward trajectory.

You must wonder an electronic equipment, that was supposed to help us in ever increasing temperature, fires up itself adding fuel to the fire of our problems. Let us find out why this happens and what can you do to avert such hazardous incidents at your home or workplace.

Common Causes of AC Explosions

  1. Overuse: With rising temperatures, ACs are often overworked, leading to overheating. This excessive use can strain the compressor, eventually causing a fire.
  2. Gas Leaks: AC units rely on refrigerant gas for cooling. If this gas leaks, the AC won’t cool effectively, which increases the load on the unit, potentially leading to overheating and a fire.
  3. Voltage Fluctuations: Frequent voltage fluctuations can damage the compressor and other electrical components of your AC. This damage can cause an overload, leading to overheating and possibly a fire.

Preventive Measures

  1. Take Breaks: Ensure that your AC gets a break every 2-3 hours in high temperature days to cool down and prevent overheating.
  2. Regular Maintenance: Schedule regular checks and maintenance to detect leaks or blockages early.
  3. Install a Voltage Stabilizer: If your area experiences frequent voltage fluctuations, consider installing a voltage stabilizer to protect your AC.
  4. Dedicated Circuit: Ensure that your AC is connected to a dedicated electrical circuit to prevent overloading.
  5. Professional Installation: Always have your AC installed by a professional to ensure it’s set up correctly.

Following these tips can help keep your AC safe and functional during the hot summer months

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