After Indian flag doormat, Amazon now sells ‘Mahatma Gandhi’ slippers

NEW YORK: E-retail giant Amazon once again sparked fury among the Indian after the website displayed flip-flops featuring the face of India’s independence leader Mahatma Gandhi for sale, days after it was forced to stop selling Indian flag doormats.

On Wednesday, India demanded Amazon apologise for selling “insulting” doormats featuring India’s national flag, with Foreign Minister Sushma Swaraj warning of tough action against the company.

The flip-flops were still available to buy on Sunday morning, but a few hours later the offending sandals had disappeared from the site.

The flip-flops, which cost $16.99, are described on the website as “professionally printed” and a product that “will look great and make someone smile”.

On Saturday, the

Indian foreign ministry said that the country’s “ambassador in Washington has been instructed to convey to Amazon that while providing a platform for third party vendors, they should respect Indian sensitivities and sentiments,” said spokesman Vikas Swarup.

Several people left comments on the Customer Reviews board beneath the Amazon listing condemning the sale of the sandals.

“Try imagining your footwear featuring your own parents or grandparents & how comfortable would you be with that kind of a “respect” & “affection” shown to them,” wrote one user.

“Shameless Amazon first it was Indian flag and now Mahatma Gandhi looks like Jeff Bezos is losing his mind,” wrote an anonymous user.

Bezos is Amazon’s founder.

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