Another 139 Pakistanis brought home from Sudan

Another group of 139 Pakistani nationals have returned home from Sudan as people continue to flee the war-torn country, ARY News reported.

Another special plane carrying 139 passengers landed at Jinnah International Airport in Karachi. The flight also included 11 crew members.

All of the passengers and crew members underwent tests for coronavirus at the airport.

In line with the directives of PAF’s senior leadership, Pakistan Air Force transport aircraft are conducting arduous evacuation missions to bring back fellow countrymen who were stranded in war-torn Sudan.

The transport fleet of the Pakistan Air Force has always been at the forefront to respond to the call of the Nation during natural disasters and calamities.

Pakistan’s embassy in Sudan was in constant touch with the 1500 Pakistanis living in Sudan and was providing them with all possible facilities. The embassy in Sudan had formed a WhatsApp group to remain in touch with Pakistanis who were advised to stay at home.

It is pertinent to mention here that fighting between the RSF and Sudan’s army erupted, derailing an internationally backed plan for a transition to a civilian democracy four years after the fall of Islamist autocrat Omar al-Bashir to mass protests and two years after a military coup.

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