Apple launches tool to curb coronavirus spread

Apple on Tuesday released a mobility data trends tool from Apple Maps to support the impactful work happening around the globe to mitigate the spread of COVID-19.

In a statement issued by Apple, the tech giant said that this mobility data may provide helpful insights to local governments and health authorities and may also be used as a foundation for new public policies by showing the change in volume of people driving, walking or taking public transit in their communities.

Maps does not associate mobility data with a user’s Apple ID, and Apple does not keep a history of where a user has been. Using aggregated data collected from Apple Maps, the new website indicates mobility trends for major cities and 63 countries or regions. The information is generated by counting the number of requests made to Apple Maps for directions.

The data sets are then compared to reflect a change in volume of people driving, walking or taking public transit around the world.

Data availability in a particular city, country, or region is subject to a number of factors, including minimum thresholds for direction requests made per day.

“Apple has built privacy into the core of Maps from the beginning. Data collected by Maps, like search terms, navigation routing, and traffic information, is associated with random, rotating identifiers that continually reset, so Apple doesn’t have a profile of your movements and searches. This enables Maps to provide a great experience, while protecting user privacy,” reads the statement issued by the tech giant.

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