Fans and ardent followers of the biggest show on television claim that a terrible twist in the upcoming episodes of the new season will result in the death of the ‘Queen Of Scots’ at the hands of the vile and wicked Daenerys Targaryen.
An avid viewer has made a bold claim of predicting the next death to occur in the seven year-long series, according to the fan, the evidence suggests that Arya, played by British actor Maisie Williams, will sacrifice herself, enabling Jon Snow to decipher the evil ways of the Dragon Queen.
Posting on the social media platform Reddit, the fan explained how the Night King who was thought to be the main antagonist of the series, but was easily defeated by Arya in the third episode, hence deeming him not worthy of being the ultimate villain in the chronicles – he raised questions about him being the real ‘bad guy’ in the story.
This week’s episode, the fourth in the current season then saw Arya head to King’s Landing – telling ‘The Hound’ that she had unfinished business in the capital and, how she won’t be returning to the North prior handling the said, ‘business’.
The theory goes on to explain: “I believe that Arya is headed to King’s Landing to attempt to kill Dany. I believe Arya will intentionally fail this assassination, forcing Dany (Daenerys) to kill her, in full view of Jon.
“This will allow Jon to finally see Dany for what she is. Jon kills Dany… And there you have it, the Prince that was Promised.”
If the theory is to be believed then the one who knew nothing might finally know everything.
The fan continues that whereas the likes of Cersei Lannister and the Night King
have been consistently antagonistic in their conduct with “easy” motives, Daenerys’ take-no-prisoners attitude and determination to rule no matter the cost “cements her as the show’s leading villain”.
Daenerys ignored Sansa Stark’s advice to let her troops and dragons rest before attacking King’s Landing, and her apparent unhappiness when Jon refused to promise to not tell anybody his true parentage and legitimacy to claim the iron throne, opined the fans.
Arya’s decision to ride South came after Jon’s true identity was confessed by him to his family, and while most fans assumed that she was heading there to kill Cersei, who has been Arya’s arch nemesis since the get-go but this new theory adds a much more interesting angle and twist to the unfolding drama.
“Jon is in danger and in typical Jon fashion he is too blinded by his emotions to recognise this.
“Sansa and Arya are not blinded by emotions; Sansa acting like a true gossip-queen goes and tells Tyrion, meanwhile Arya rides South on her quest. Arya’s real target is Dany – the Starks’ values have always been about protection and preservation of the family.
“Arya and Sansa know that Jon is in danger.”
The Prince that was Promised prophecy, had the fans commenting this: “Jon seeing Dany for her true nature, he has to kill her – it’s the only fitting end.”
“He doesn’t care about the throne but he cares about his people and Dany sitting on the throne is no better than Cersei or the Night King sitting there.”
They added: “We supported Dany’s push for the throne for so long and celebrated with Dany in each one of her victories. “How disappointing when we find out that we have been rooting for the villain this whole time.”
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