Bollywood Actor Dia Mirza wrote a lengthy note for her niece and ‘first child’ Tanya Kakde who died in an accident in Hyderabad.
The Bollywood actor, in her Instagram note, wrote she remembers the cries of Dia Maashi in the corridors of her Mumbai house. She added her niece would bring an errant innocence and contagious laughter.
The celebrity added that the curiosity, that her niece would bring, should be encouraged. She stated she will always hold the special love which she got from her in her heart.
“For I know now, that just like everyone who ever knew her, I am going to miss being loved so unconditionally by her. Tanya was in many ways like a firstborn child to me. While she never had it easy, she always had us and I have to believe that she always knew that. Listening to her, guiding her, spoiling her, reprimanding and scolding her were all joys that she allowed me with an impish smile and the tightest hugs. For her, I am so so grateful,” she wrote.
The Bollywood star added: “Life can be immensely rewarding and life can be so so cruel. I know we will grapple to make sense of this tragedy for
all our years to come. I don’t expect this to ever make any sense. All I do know is that every time I see something beautiful, it will remind me of her. She had special gifts, she sang, she wrote so beautifully, and she could create magic with her brushes. As a child she painted on canvases, as a grown-up she made the human face her canvas. Never wanting to change what is inherently beautiful about a person.”
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Dia Mirza wrote Tanya Kakde’s gift was to bring out the best in people. She said her niece was a person who was wise and could understand human emotions beyond her years.
“I know everyone who truly knew her, will always remember her. I believe Tanya will always be with us. I pray that she has found her peace… love you always Tanu Ma thank you for the joy you brought to our lives 🌈🦄🦋💫”
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