And apparently, the Indian director loved every bit of the film, as did the whole of Pakistan. Mahesh Bhatt took to his Twitter account and praised Jawani Phir Nahi Ani, the latest blockbuster to hit theatres in Pakistan and Dubai.
Before declaring JPNA a blockbuster, Mahesh Bhatt had also posted a picture of himself and Humayun Saeed, and declaring the latter to be his friend.
Even more so, Bhatt had also promoted the movie on his own, as he posted a tweet of Jawani Phir Nahi Ani on September 18:-
Jawani Phir Nahi Ani is an adventure-comedy film which revolves around four friends, who venture to Bangkok in an attempt to live it up, albeit without their wives. Not only does the film have
an ensemble cast, it also has witty dialogues, catchy humour and an array of party songs to groove to. The cast of the film includes Humayun Saeed, Vasay Chaudhry, Ahmad Butt, Hamza Ali Abbasi, Ismail Tara, Javed Sheikh, Sarwat Gilani, Mehwish Hayat, Uzma Khan, Ayesha Khan and Bushra Ansari.
So far Jawani Phir Nahi Ani has premiered in Karachi, Lahore and Dubai. The film has met with positive response and rave reviews. Directed by Nadeem Baig, Jawani Phir Nahi Ani is all set to be in theatres by Eid-ul-Azha.
Seems like the film has not only secured appreciation from within the border but outside as well. Seems like JPNA is all set to make a big splash when it releases on Eid!
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