British delegates concerned over human rights violations in IoK

ISLAMABAD: A British parliamentary delegation on a visit to Pakistan has expressed concern over the human rights violations in Indian-occupied Kashmir (IoK).

Addressing a joint press conference with Azad Jammu and Kashmir President Sardar Masood Khan here on Thursday, the members of the delegation called on the international community to take cognizance of the ongoing genocide of Kashmiri people in the occupied valley.

Seeking attention of the world towards atrocities in Kashmir, Member British Parliament Andrew Flint asserted that Kashmir facing violation of human rights for years and the international community should step to stop the atrocities.

He said he stands with the truth and every individual has right to live with freedom and peace. “The people of Kashmir must not be deprived of the fundamental right. The world must know what is happening in Kashmir,” Flint further added.

Joining in conversation, another British parliamentarian Wajid Khan said the blood of Kashmiris is as valuable as that of anyone living either in Britain or elsewhere.

He said the foreign delegates want to listen to the grievances of Kashmiri people as they have been going through atrocities for years. “The people of Kashmir have right to take decision with regard to their future,” he said while condemning the human rights violations in the valley.

The delegation affirmed requesting the Indian ambassador back home to allow a fact-finding mission to visit occupied Kashmir.

The British delegation is also due to visit Azad Kashmir tomorrow (Friday).

On the occasion, Azad Kashmir President Sardar Masood Khan said British parliamentarians are playing an important role in highlighting the Kashmir dispute.

He said particularly the labour party is at the forefront and has expressed the commitment to play its role in resolution of the lingering Kashmir dispute.

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