Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 guide: 5 best Armory Unlocks

Call of Duty, Modern Warfare 3 guide, 5 best Armory UnlocksCall of Duty, Modern Warfare 3 guide, 5 best Armory Unlocks

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 introduces a new system called Armory Unlocks, apart of different dopamine hits with big explosions, flashing numbers, and other on-screen indicators the game constantly rewards the players.

After every match, the player progresses further into the game’s leveling system and gets new skins, guns, attachments, and more.

The Armory Unlocks system – which players will get at level 25 – allows players to select specific gears to complete the daily challenges.

The player has to win games or complete daily tasks in order to unlock a concise list of the game’s top items.

MW3 Best Armory Unlocks

The Armory Unlocks will allow you to access new guns new killstreaks, equipment, perks, and more, for an optimized loadout, the player has to engage with this feature.

Of course, it’s all personal preference, some of the unlocks are more beneficial initially, but it is suggested to delay prioritizing Semtexes and special calling cards, the Semtexes are useful, but the frag grenade and other lethal throwables will do you just fine for a while.

Here are some we’d recommend.

MW3 Armory Unlocks: Covert Sneakers

These sneakers will help you to walk like a Ninja as the shoes will silence the footsteps. If you’re a Team Deathmatch person, maybe you can forgo this, but Search and Destroy or Cutthroat players will really want these in their loadout.

MW3 Armory Unlocks: Ghost T/V Camo

Call of Duty vets are more than familiar with Ghost, an advantage that makes you undetectable to things like UAV. It makes a return as an Armory Unlock this year. There is a caveat with it, however, and that is that you will only be undetectable to UAVs while moving. So if you’re a camper, this may not be much use to you.

MW3 Armory Unlocks: DG-58 Assault Rifle

This is easily one of the best guns in the game. It’s a three-round burst and it can be made fully-auto, but either way, it absolutely shreds. This is a must have gun for your arsenal at the moment.

MW3 Armory Unlocks: V-TOL

The V-TOL is a strong addition to any killstreak roster, especially for those playing objective modes like Domination or Hardpoint. It acts similarly to the Harrier from the OG Modern Warfare 2 and will hover over a spot on the map and rain hell on anyone that runs near it.

MW3 Armory Unlocks: Rival-9 SMG

This SMG absolutely shreds and is a must have for any run and gunners in Modern Warfare 3. If you have the Endowment bundle, you will get a blueprint for this SMG and it will do a good job of showcasing its power. However, you’ll want to fully unlock it so you can earn challenges and customize it more.

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