Can you spot 12 soldiers hiding in this picture?

The British Army shared a puzzling photo of soldiers hiding in vegetation in a Brunei jungle. And majority of people are struggling to spot 12 personnel hiding in the image.

The unit is currently in Brunei on a month-long exercise to improve reconnaissance and patrolling skills in one of the planet’s harshest environments.

The Household Cavalry are made up of the two most senior divisions of the British Army – the Blues and the Life Guards – they serve as the Queen’s official bodyguards.

“This is what the Household Cavalry Regiment does best,” wrote the British Army alongside the image on their Facebook page.

“The intelligence gathered by this complex, deadly art will determine the British Army’s success in battle.

“The Cavalry are honing vital skills in the Brunei Jungle that could ultimately save lives on future operations.”

Prince Harry, Prince William, and singer James Blunt have all been members of the regiment in the past.


Can you spot 12 hidden soldiers in this picture?

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Last chance to spot the camouflaged soldiers…



















Here it is…

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