The Chief Justice appeared delighted as he addressed the media after his son, Owais Shah, was recovered by security forces in an intelligence based operation. There were jubilation and celebration at their house under strict supervision after the arrival of Owais.
Justice Shah also mentioned the role of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and said that the premier had assured him of all possible efforts for the release of his son.
Chief Justice Jamali appreciates army role
Chief Justice of Pakistan Anwar Zaheer Jamali has appreciated the security forces and role of the federal and provincial governments in the recovery of Owais Shah. He said that similar determination was required to defeat terrorism and extremism in the country.
In a written statement, he said that this has increased the trust of the people in the law-enforcement and intelligence agencies. He thanked the Army Chief for personally ensuring the release of Owais Shah and that his role was highly commendable.
Jamali congratulated the family of Owais Shah for the safe release of their son, and also thanked those who expressed their well-wishes and prayers for him.
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