The Conference was attended by the chief justices of the High Courts and heads of the justice sector organizations.
In his concluding speech, the Honourable Chief Justice of Pakistan observed that the administration of justice is not the sole responsibility of the judiciary but it is a collective and coordinated task of all the justice sector organizations. He appreciated that the establishment of the provincial justice committees with the mandate to coordinate, plan and make policies for improving the quality of service delivery is an important step in a right direction for strengthening the administration of the criminal justice in the country. By bringing together the provincial heads of the criminal justice system, the provincial justice committees will improve the intra and inter organisational linkage among the different organizations and assist them to plan and monitor reforms. The Honourable Chief Justice of Pakistan urged the respective chief justices of the High Courts for developing justice sector road map for the criminal justice sector organizations.
Before concluding session there were departmental and provincial discussions/consultations, wherein the participant, discussed the problems confronting the administration of criminal justice and made recommendations for improving the quality of justice service delivery, which were presented in the concluding session by the chairmen / chief justices of the respective High Courts.
In the concluding session, the Attorney General for Pakistan Mr. Ashtar Ausaf Ali also spoke about the resolve of the Federal Government for transforming the criminal justice sector. He appreciated the initiative taken by the Law and Justice Commission of Pakistan and the provincial justice committees and committed that the Government will support the reforms by allocating resources and legislative support.
This press release can be downloaded from the website of the Law and Justice Commission of Pakistan
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