CM Buzdar offers UAE investment opportunities in Punjab

LAHORE: Punjab Chief Minister Sardar Usman Buzdar on Wednesday offered United Arab Emirates (UAE) attractive investment opportunities in diverse fields in Punjab.

Talking to UAE ambassador Hamad Obaid Ibrahim Salem Al-zabi, who called on him at his office, CM Usman Buzdar said that investors are given special incentives in Punjab and added that the government is providing congenial atmosphere to investors in the province.

According to a statement released from his office, matters of mutual interests, cementing relations between Pakistan and the UAE and bilateral cooperation in different sectors were discussed in the meeting.  The proposal of setting up the Pakistan-UAE business council also came under discussion.

On the occasion, the chief minister said that Pakistan and UAE enjoys historical relations and vowed that these relations will be further extended under the leadership of Prime Minister Imran Khan.

Usman Buzdar said, “We want to further strengthen the mutual ties in various sectors including trade, investment, energy, water projects, culture and tourism.” He maintained that time has come to transform the Pakistan-UAE relations into strong economic ties.

While Hamad Obaid Ibrahim Salem Al-zabi said that his country’s leadership is standing along with Pakistan and they will provide every sort of cooperation to Islamabad.

He said that UAE’s companies are interested in investment in Pakistan and added that they want to invest in special economic zones in water projects, energy and other sectors. 

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