LAHORE: Punjab Caretaker Chief Minister Mohsin Naqvi has announced granting residential plots to reporters, photographers and cameramen and 15 per cent quota for journalists working in the news rooms, ARY News reported.
Addressing a cerem
ony organised for journalists at the CM Office on Sunday, he said that for the first time in the history of Punjab, 3,300 residential plots had been granted to the reporters, photographers, cameramen and journalists of the News Room through a transparent balloting mechanism.
Reporters will be granted 7-marla residential plots, while cameramen and photographers will be granted 3-marla residential plots through a transparent balloting mechanism. The advertisement for eligibility for acquiring the plot will be advertised on Monday, January 22.
Ravi Urban Development Authority(RUDA) will inform the journalists community about the mode for acquiring the plots. Mohsin Naqvi stated that approximately, one year of the incumbent government has passed. “Whichever city I visit, the only demand being made by the journalists community is to do something substantial for their welfare.
Today, we have fulfilled our promise being made with our journalist brothers.” He said that he is fully aware that majority of the journalists lead a low profile lifestyle and they hardly make both ends meal. Residence for the journalists is a big issue as residence is a basic need for the journalists across Punjab including Lahore.
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