No dialogue until India lifts curfew in occupied Kashmir, avows Firdous

SIALKOT: Special Assistant to the Prime Minister on Information and Broadcasting Firdous Ashiq Awan says Prime Minister Imran Khan will effectively and vociferously present the Kashmir case at the UN General Assembly session.

Speaking at a press conference here, she said the prime minister will shake the world conscience on the Kashmir issue.

Ms Awan said Prime Minister Khan will present an enlightened, moderate and progressive face of the country before the world, assuring that the government won’t disappoint the nation over national security and the Kashmir issue.

She made it clear that Pakistan will not hold talks with India unless it lifts curfew and all sorts of restrictions in the occupied region.

The special assistant said Pakistan is a peace loving country. It is India which has put the regional peace and security at stake through its illegal and unconstitutional steps in the occupied valley, she added.

She said that the premier during his visit to the US will also hold talks with different world leaders including President Donald Trump and the Presidents of Turkey and Malaysia, and brief them on the “Indian state terrorism”.

She said the upcoming session of the UN General Assembly is very significant in the context as the entire world is looking towards the world body as to how it moves forward to implement its resolutions and decisions.

Ms Awan said the besieged people of occupied Kashmir have pinned great expectations with the UN that it will play its due role for the protection of their fundamental democratic, constitutional and religious rights.

She said India whose hands are soaked in blood of innocent Kashmiris and has violated UN Charter and all international laws and norms cannot become permanent member of the UN Security Council.

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