Dog’s head swollen to three times its normal size after snake-bite

FAIRMONT: A dog had his head swollen to an unusually large size after he was biten by a snake in West Virginia.

The dog was later brought to an animal shelter for treatment.

Pet Helpers, Inc., of Fairmont, posted a photo to Facebook of a miserable-looking beagle mix named Logar suffering from severe swelling in his head after a bite from a venomous snake.

The shelter shared pictures showing Logar looking back to normal with a comparatively tiny-seeming head only one day after being treated at an animal hospital.

“Hard to believe the last picture in the group is really the same dog. For those that are not aware Logar came to us after suffering a snake bite. He is one lucky pup!” the post said.







The dog gradually getting better after the treatment




Pictures taken via: Pet Helpers Inc, (Facebook page)

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