Jaunty Bollywood actor Sanjay Dutt’s struggle in jail can make you chunder. In a shocking statement, he has revealed that he had to eat ants and other insects in jail, but he also said that his prison days broke his ego and made him a better person.
According to Indian media, he was not given any special treatment despite his stardom.
“It was a very hectic life. My confinement days have been nothing less than a roller coaster ride. A lot of times you will find insects in the most tasteless meal in the world that was given to prisoners and I would gobble it considering another form of protein.
“To look at the positive side, it has taught me a lot and made me a better soul,” said Sanjay.
Sanjay, who made a banging debut in Indian film industry with Rocky in 1981, was arrested for illegal possession of weapons and convicted in a case related to the 1993 Mumbai serial blasts, in which over 250 people were killed and hundreds other injured.
The actor, 58, says the 23 years of court battle definitely transformed him as a person.
It was in February 2016 that Sanjay walked out of jail completing his jail term for illegal possession of arms.
Reminiscing the moment, he said: “The day I was released after the final verdict, it was the happiest moment of my life. I was missing my father (Sunil Dutt). I wish he was alive to see me free… he would have been the happiest person. We should never forget our family, they are the pillar of strength always.”
A biopic on, father of three, Sanjay’s life is being portrayed in Rajkumar Hirani’s film Sanju, by Ranbir Kapoor. Sanju is set to hit cinema on June 29.
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