Federal minister asks international community to raise voice against Indian brutalities in Kashmir

ISLAMABAD: Federal Minister for Human Rights Dr Shireen Mazari on Friday urged the international community to come forward and raise the voice against the brutalities and worst violations of human rights in Indian Occupied Kashmir.

“The people of Indian Occupied Kashmir have been sacrificing their lives for the attainment of the plebiscite which has been guaranteed by the UNSC and UNCIP resolutions.

“Besides, the right to self determination lies at the centre of the International Bill of Rights. Why the innocent and unarmed people of Kashmir are denied to this fundamental right?” she asked while talking to the former Australian senator and human rights activist Lee Rhiannon who called on her in Islamabad.

High officials of the ministry were also present on the occasion. They discussed the matters related to the human rights particularly human rights violations of innocent people of Kashmir valley.

The federal minister apprised Rhiannon about the steps of the Pakistan government to protect and promote the rights of its citizens.

Shireen Mazari said that the Kashmir issue was the question of right to self determination and international conventions guaranteed the right of self determination of Kashmiri people.

She called the human rights violations in Indian Occupied Kashmir the war crimes and crimes against humanity adding that the situation of human rights was very deploring in IOK.

“I am wondering that where is the conscience of the civilized world and the United Nations?” she queried.

Read More: Unimplemented resolutions on Kashmir raise questions on UNSC’s credibility: Pakistan

Dr Mazari urged the ex-Australian senator to raise the voice to redress the protracted grievances of Kashmiri people. Talking to the senator, she said that India was committing serious violations of human rights in Indian occupied Kashmir.

She said that the incumbent government was preparing proposal to resolve Kashmir issue, describing the draft as a model for conflict resolution, this proposal will be circulated among all the stakeholders.

Pakistan fully supported the freedom movement of the people of Kashmir and was against the Indian nefarious attempt of changing the demography of Kashmir by enforcing the Article-35A and demanded from the International community to take immediate and appropriate steps to resolve this issue, she said.

Mazari made it clear that any attempt aimed at changing the demographic character of Indian Occupied Kashmir will be opposed.

She said that Pakistan fully supports the freedom movement of the people of IOK and will continue its political and diplomatic support for the freedom fighters.

Lee Rhiannon appreciated the endeavors of government for the promotion and protection of human rights in Pakistan and assured her full support to resolve the issue of Kashmir.

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