‘Game of Thrones’ author thinks final season was “not completely faithful”

George RR Martin, Game of Thrones,George RR Martin, Game of Thrones,

Game of Thrones author George RR Martin has said he wasn’t completely satisfied with the storyline of season 8. 

The franchise creator shared his thoughts on the differences between his books and HBO’s acclaimed series in an interview with Fast Company.

He termed book-to-screen adaptations “traumatic” and said, “Because sometimes their creative vision and your creative vision don’t match, and you get the famous creative differences thing – that leads to a lot of conflict.”

Speaking about his experiences in Hollywood, he said “You get totally extraneous things like the studio or the network

weighing in, and they have some particular thing that has nothing to do with story, but relates to ‘Well this character has a very high Q Rating so let’s give him a lot more stuff to do’.”

Sharing his thoughts about the show’s final season, he remarked “The [final] series has been… not completely faithful. Otherwise, it would have to run another five seasons.”

The hit series’ controversial ending received mixed reviews from critics and fans and Martin has also expressed his concerns earlier.

Spanning over eight seasons, GoT’s final episode aired on April 14.

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