Fans of Bollywood actor Emraan Hashmi were ecstatic after the veteran star announced his casting in the sequel of the critically hit Pan-Indian spy thriller film ‘Goodachari‘ titled ‘Goodachari 2 (G2).’
Emraan Hashmi’s broke the news of his casting in ‘Goodachari (G2)‘ on various social media platforms. He shared his character’s poster and it has been going viral since.
The actor he has begun filming the project.
Adivi Sesh Sunny Chandra, who will reprise the role of protagonist M. Gopi / M. Arjun Kumar alias Agent Gopi 116 in ‘G2‘, welcomed Emraan Hashmi to the franchise with a heartfelt message.
It is pertinent to mention that Sashi Kiran Tikka-directed ‘Goodachari‘ followed a young NSA agent getting framed for the murder of his boss thus making him realize that his mission is darker than expected.
Moreover, he had to settle some personal scores connecting to his father’s death.
Apart from Adivi Sesh Sunny Chandra, the cast also included Sobhita Dhulipala, Prakash Raj, Jagapathi Babu, Irfan Ahmed Syed, and Ramana Bhargava.
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