Watch: ‘Greatest’ theft ever captured on film

One of the greatest theft ever captured on film is doing rounds on social media and it does not involve amounts or goods worth of millions or billions but only an ice cream.

This thing was caught on camera when a Fox Sports correspondent was going live with his reporting on Carolina Hurricanes’ 8-2 win over the Ottawa Senators in the ice hockey.

As soon as the reporter was delivering his live report with fans of winning team enjoying in the background, the theft took place.

A man, later identified as Davis, was seen initially licking top part of the ice-cream cone. He later swooped in and plucked a man’s ice cream cone from out of his fingers, before disappearing back into the crowd.

So who was the man that became a victim of Davis’s trick?

It was later revealed that the victim was, in fact, long-term friend Joe Campen — and the pair have been mates since they were in eighth grade at the same high school.

Campen told media that he could feel somebody messing with his ice cream cone when he felt the weight of it lift from his grasp as he was paying attention to another friend’s phone.

He says he ignored it because it never occurred to him that somebody would steal his vanilla cone. He, however, said that since the two were on good terms, the thief, bought him another ice cream cone.

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