Priyanka Chopra, speaking at the trailer launch of her upcoming film Jai Gangaajal in which she plays the role of a tough cop, said that she does take pictures with fans but does not like physical nearness.
“I slap a lot. I think once a fan misbehaved with me, I don’t know if he was a fan but, I came out of my trailer when I was shooting for ‘Anjana Anjani’. He just came and held my arms”, Priyanka said.
“I am very good with taking pictures and everything but I don’t like physically being touched. So he just held my hand and started asking for pictures. I got really scared so I grabbed his collar slapped him. Then I got so scared, I ran away,” the actress said.
She also talked out her character during the trailer launch.
“The most important thing was to still be feminine while playing a tough character like that of a cop”, Chopra said.
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