‘I was the first one to voice Marsoon Marsoon Sindh Na Desoon’

Addressing a public meeting here on Friday, Zulfiqar Mirza said, “I was the first person who had voiced this slogan on the floor of the Sindh Assembly back in 2011, that too with the support of the people of Badin’.

He said that the credit again goes to the people of Badin for reminding of this slogan once again.

Mirza said that some of his friends were offended due to this, adding that they had also asked me what was the need of troubling MQM and Altaf Hussain by saying ‘Marsoon Marsoon Sindh Na Desoon’.

The former Home Minister said some fellows had also taunted him saying, “What will you be able to do of them”.

He added, “I have been reiterating since 2010 that the one sitting back in London wants to break Pakistan and Sindh, but the people made mockery of me”.

Mirza had been the Home Minister of Sindh for a brief period during the former PPP-government, who was removed from his post due to growing differences with MQM, which was major coalition partner in then PPP-led Government of Sindh.

Zulfiqar Mirza, due to confrontation with MQM, had to face opposition from within the party ranks as well, following which the minister was replaced from his portfolio.

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