Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif made these remarks while he was addressing a gathering at the Aiwan-e-Iqbal. Referring to the past, Shahbaz pointed out that financial corruption of Rs 90 crore had occurred but what action had the NAB taken against it?
He further said that he wasn’t going to back down regarding his statement of bringing forth evidence and making people sweat. Shahbaz Sharif further said that if corruption was proven during his administration, he would leave politics.
Shahbaz stated that NAB should carry out its investigations since the bureau had that right. He appreciated NAB’s acheivements but said that there was room for more transparency in its investigations.
A couple of weeks ago, Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif had also lashed out at NAB and directed them to stop humiliating people and carry out its activities in a more responsible manner. The move was seen by analysts and political pundits as the PM’s way of guarding his own against the accountability bureau.
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