The Islamabad High Court (IHC) on Tuesday extended the bail of an ice cream vendor, who was handed a three-month rigorous jail sentence and slapped with a fine of Rs0.5 mln, for setting up his cart on the premises of Faisal Mosque.
Justice Tariq Mehmood Jahangiri heard the plea of ice cream vendor Farmanullah against his sentence. At the outset of the hearing, the IHC asked the CDA lawyer, why the law become more powerful for the poor.
There are so many vendors, who are openly selling ice cream in the federal capital, but you were able to catch Farman only, the court asked the CDA lawyer.
The CDA lawyer sought time for preparation for arguments in the case.
Barrister Umar Aijaz Gilani, Farmanullah’s lawyer argued that his client had not committed any crime by setting up his cart to earn his livelihood on the state land.
Later, the IHC while extending bail of ice cream vendor Farman, suspended his punishment until the decision of the Islamabad sessions court.
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