If RAW funding is proven against MQM, then the party should be banned: Mustafa Kamal

Talking to media personnel, Kamal said that he wanted to create friendship among the people and eliminate hostility.

“It is our fundamental policy of uniting people of each other. We do not want to make a person fight against his own flesh and blood. We want to unite people under one banner,” he said.

Kamal also took shots at MQM and said that those who had established links with RAW did not want to see Pakistan prosper and progress.

“RAW does not maintain relations or links with people in Pakistan to promote peace and brotherhood. Their activities won’t constitute uniting people as brothers,” he said.

“If RAW is providing funds to someone, then surely those funds are not to spread Islam, are they?” he asked. “If confirmation of RAW funding MQM is obtained, then such an organisation should be banned. If these confirmations cannot be found, then ban our party.”

The last time Mustafa Kamal had appeared at Mirpurkhas, his party workers were involved in a brawl with MQM activists.

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