Ranbir Kapoor and Deepika Padukone sat down with an Indian website to talk about their upcoming movie titled Tamasha. The movie is a romantic one, which features both him and Deepika as free-spirited lovers who encounter each other in Corsica. Upon the trailer’s release, audiences were treated to the magical chemistry of Ranbir and Deepika, which was also present in their 2013 hit Yeh Jawani Hai Deewani.
When asked if Ranbir was nervous regarding the movie doing well on the box office or not, this is what he said:-
“From my very first film I have been nervous about the success of my films. My first film(Saawariya) was a big disaster. So, I feel the pressure. I feel it all the time. I feel that the audience trusted me and paid their hard-earned money to come and see my movie and I didn’t entertain them. I let them down. So, I think I have to earn their trust because there is nothing like a box-office success. We are not making movies for ourselves. We are not making movies for critics. We are making movies for the audiences. And the least we can do is entertain them.”
The actor also revealed how he had quit smoking in the recent past, and said that it was due to the fact that he thought he had started aging.
“Yes, I have. But to
be honest, in the last 10 days, I have been taking illegal drags (everyone bursts into laughter). I have been a two-packet smoker. When you are young, it is fine, as you have a good hormonal system. But as I was getting older, I felt that my skin was ageing, I was looking older on screen. So, I quit smoking for that purpose and also because I wanted to be healthy. I hope that being an actor, I can inspire people to quit smoking. I was a big smoker and when you give it up, life is so much better. You have so much of free time to think about other things instead of thinking of lighting a cigarette. I feel more alive.”
Ranbir’s father Rishi Kapoor often gets in trouble over his tweets. The actor was asked to comment on the situation and he remarked that in India, one couldn’t really speak their mind anyways.
“He has been like that since I was born. He is always in trouble with my mother at home. He speaks his mind and that is what is really good about him. Unfortunately, in this country, you can’t really speak your mind. Anything you say is misconstrued and especially if you are an actor, every word, every thought, every picture has so much of interpretations. But I don’t think he cares about that.”
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