Like many soldiers, he is convinced that India, through its RAW, backs regional separatists in an effort to break up Pakistan.
“It must stop, but it can only stop when leaderships on both sides show the will to resolve disputes and stop confrontation in favour of compromise and accommodation.”
In an interview to British newspaper, Musharraf said Karzai sent cadets to India, where they were “indoctrinated” against Pakistan.
For Musharraf, the most welcome development was Ghani’s decision this month to send six army cadets for training at Pakistan’s officer academy in the town of Abbottabad.
Musharraf went on to say that, “Pakistan had its own proxies, India had its proxies, which is unhealthy. I do admit this, it is most unhealthy. It is not in favour of Afghanistan, or Pakistan or India. It must stop.”
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