ISLAMABAD: The three private members of the Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (PEMRA), Mian Shams, Fariha Iftikhar and Israr Abbasi have consulted the Islamabad High Court (IHC) on the issue of show-cause notices issued to them for giving a decision against Geo TV – ARY News reports.
According to details, giving a decision against Geo TV resulted in the issuance of show-cause notices to the three private members of PEMRA authority, by the Government. All the three members consulted the IHC and filed a petition against the notices issued to them earlier today.
The members stated that they are being victimized for giving a justified decision on Geo TV issue.
These members took the stance that tomorrow's meeting of PEMRA is illegal, while they have also been issued notices in contradiction to rules and regulations.
The petition made the Federation party in the case, through the Secretary Information. The petition also includes the names of PEMRA member Kamaluddin Tipu, Secretary PEMRA Nisar Ayub, Chairman of Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) and Muhammad Ismail Shah.
Moreover, the hearing on the petition will be held today at the IHC.
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