Journalist fraternity protests killing of Jaffery, Alam

According to details, a protest was staged by the Karachi Union of Journalist (KUJ) at Karachi Press Club (KPC) at which representatives of journalist bodies voiced serious concerns over the killing of senior satellite engineer associated with a private news channel Arshad Ali Jaffery and senior journalist Aftab Alam.

Also read:
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Senior journalist Aftab Alam shot dead in Karachi


They demanded the authorities to arrest the perpetrators and to ensure safety of media personnel.

A similar demonstration was staged in Lahore during which protesting news men termed the killing of Arshad Ali jafefry and Aftab Alam ‘worst example of cruelty’.

They demanded immediate arrest of culprits and warned of a countrywide protest campaign by media men in case of no action.


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