The suspect Nomi Khokar has been granted while another Raja Arshad has absconded since the last three days and has not been arrested. Police have lauched various raids including at his brother’s residences but could not arrest him.
Fahad Malik, a nephew of former Chairman Senate Mohammed Mian Soomro, was gunned down in Sector F10 in the wee hours of Monday, after an altercation with the accused suspects.
Earlier today, the funeral prayers of Malik was held in his native village on Badan, Gujjar Khan which was led personally by Soomro and attended by various prominent personalities.
Malik was attempting to mediate between his associate Malik Tariq and the rival Raja Arshad group. The personal dispute between them is said to have started over a girl. The altercation led to firing after which both groups were taken to the Shalimar Police station to resolve the matter.
Malik was shot dead in his car as he left the Police station, while Tariq Malik was seriously injured. A post-mortem was conducted by the medico-legal officers of PIMs, and an investigation report was completed.
The six page post-mortem report said that Malik died within five minutes after he was shot. The bullets fractured his skull and nose, while the bullet which struck his left cheek proved to be fatal. There was also a wound on his left shoulder.
The SHO of the Police station has also been suspended for negligence as the incident took place in the high-security red zone area.
Malik was the owner of Cosmos and SGM companies. He was scheduled to leave for Germany on the day that he was killed.
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