Personnel of Levies and Khasadar forces oppose ordinances issued by KP governor

LANDI KOTAL: The personnel of Khasadar and Levies forces have established a protest camp at Bab-i-Khyber in Jamrud against two ordinances issued by the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Governor Shah Farman.

The ordinances pertain to the legal status of the two forces.

They said the former IGP Salahuddin Mehsud had promise unconditional merger of the forces into police, but it wasn’t done accordingly.

Read: KP govt to enhance salaries of Levies, Khasadar Force

In Khar, the tribal elders and leaders of various political parties rejected policing system in the tribal districts and urged the government to give powers of police to Khasadar and Levies forces in the region.

They also demanded of the government to shift the district judicial complex to Bajaur from neighbouring Dir district immediately.

The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa governor on Monday signed two separate ordinances granting special policing powers to Levies and Khasadar force in the newly merged tribal districts.

There would be a separate director and deputy director general in the levies force, said the sources and added that the candidates for the two top slots in the force would be selected from the police force.

Levies and Khasadar force would be gradually merged in the police force, said the sources. It is pertinent to mention here that Levies and Khasadar force had been function under the federal government so far.

The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government, on February 3 had decided to enhance salaries and other benefits of Levies and Khasadar Force like regular police.

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