Shah Rukh Khan and Salman Khan used to be warring Bollywood actors but that is a thing of the past now. The Bollywood superstars are friends now and have forgotten their bitter days of old. Raees was slated for a 2016 Eid release and all eyes were on the box office clash, since Salman Khan’s Sultan was also set to be released that day. However, team Raees has finally decided to push back the film’s release date till 2017.
According to a leading Indian English daily, Raees will now release sometime by January of next year. Which means Salman Khan will reign supreme this Eid on the
box office. If the report in the Indian English daily is true, then SRK will probably release his movie on January 26, the same day that Hrithik Roshan plans to release his home production titled Kaabil.
The shoot for Raees was wrapped up a couple of weeks ago. Shah Rukh had tweeted a couple of days ago that he was missing the entire cast and crew of the movie.
We’re glad a settlement has been reached and both movies will enjoy their very own freedom at the box office. Earlier, Salman Khan had tweeted the teaser of Raees to his followers and promoted SRK’s film.
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