Man arrested after using flamethrower to settle parking dispute


A man has been arrested after reportedly using a flamethrower to settle a parking dispute in Flordia, US.

While most people would choose to shout profanity or choose a basic weapon for a fight, Andra Abrams reportedly pointed a flamethrower at a car with three teenagers inside.

As a result, he was arrested and was charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon without intending to kill.

The flamethrower he used is an XM42 Lite Flamethrower. It can shoot flames up to 20 feet, according to a UNILAD report.

According to reports, no one was injured in the incident. Interestingly, a mother of one of the teenagers inside the car said Abrams’ flamethrower is a regular feature in their area.

Abrams said the incident was a culmination of a long dispute over parking with a family in his area.

“This family, how could I say this — the worst thing that could ever happen to a neighbourhood. They’ve had issues with other residents, and it needs to be brought to light,” he said.

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