Man blocks traffic to celebrate birthday with firecrackers on road

Flouting traffic rules is something we usually see on the roads, but a unique incident was reported in India, where a man decided to celebrate his birthday right in the middle of the street in Agra.

The shenanigans of the man were unpacked at the Old Mandi Intersection in Agra. Not only was the man surrounded by scores of his friends there to celebrate him, but he also reveled in the merriment of the day by bursting crackers to pump up the crowd while blocking the road.

The fireworks went on for nearly 30 minutes, which caused a big scene at the intersection and blocked off traffic.

The birthday boy has been identified as Pradeep Rathore. As per the the India media, the man claims to be a member of the Bharatiya Janata Party’s social media team.

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