Man killed, son injured for resisting robbery in Karachi

KARACHI: A man was killed and his son was injured as they offered resistance to robbery in Karachi on Wednesday, ARY news reported.

The incident took place in Karachi’s Korangi area when a citizen named Abdul Malik and his son were going to their factory after withdrawing Rs 1 million from a bank.

In a CCTV footage, it can be seen that the citizens on their car were approaching their factory in the Korangi area when they were intercepted by three robbers on two motorcycles.

Abdul Malik resisted and threw his money bag away and indulged in a scuffle with robbers. The robbers shot Abdul Malik and he died on the spot.

Meanwhile, Abdul Malik’s son came out of the car and shot one of the robbers, who was later arrested by the police.

In the footage, the robbers can be seen fleeing with bag carrying approximately Rs 300,000 while the remaining Rs 700,000 were picked up by the passerby citizens.

Later, the police arrested the injured robber and recovered around Rs 300,000 while the remaining amount of Rs 700,000 is still unaccounted for.

Read More: Man killed in front of his son for resisting robbery in Karachi

Earlier in a similar incident, robbers shot dead a man and injured his son for resisting robbery in Karachi’s Korangi Coast Guard Chowrangi area.

The robbers entered a gas filling shop at Korangi Coast Guard Chowrangi and opened fire during resistance, killing Zafar and injuring his son Wahab.

Police reported that the injured Wahab managed to seize the pistol from the robbers and fired at them, causing both robbers to flee the crime scene.

The injured robbers went to Jinnah Hospital for treatment, where the injured Wahab identified them, leading to their arrest by the police. The robbers were identified as Qadir and Ehtisham.

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