Man seeks Rs300cr bank loan to buy train, hilarious audio clip goes viral

A hilarious audio clip went viral on social media in which a man sought Rs300 crore loan from a bank to purchase a train.

In an audio clip making rounds on the internet, a man is heard stating his loan requirements and the video has cracked up the internet.

The hilarious audio clip was a telephonic conversation between a man and a customer service representative of the HDFC Bank in India.

During the telephonic conversation, a woman introduced herself as an employee of HDFC Bank.

The woman stated that she was dealing with the loan requirements of customers. Introducing herself as Nisha, she asked if the man had any requirements for a home and car loan. The man immediately responded. He stated that he had some loan requirements.

As a result, the woman enquired about his specific need for the loan. To her surprise, the man said he requires a loan of Rs 300 crore to buy a train.

The evidently stunned woman repeated the man’s answer. However, she followed up with another question. She asked him if had taken down any previous loans.

The man then stated that he had taken a loan to buy a cycle. The woman asked him again. He said that he had taken a loan of Rs1600 for buying a Hero cycle, ending the audio abruptly.

The audio clip cracked the internet and many wondered why the woman did not yell at him.

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