Already being touted as Bollywood’s selfie anthem of 2016, Kheench Meri Photo has everyone applauding Mawra Hocane. The video of the song was recently released and featured Mawra and Harshvardhan Rane shaking a leg to a vibrant song. As can be judged from the title of the track, it’s all about Mawra’s character urging her lover to capture a photo of her. Here is the video of the song:-
Kheech Meri Photo Official Video Song | Sanam… by ErosNow
During the
music video (which takes place at a bazaar and a railway station) features Mawra’s character Saru in a drunken state. Taking swigs of alcohol, the seemingly tame girl troubles Harshvardhan till no end with her bizarre, kooky acts (spewing water on his face in the process). Harshvardhan Rane’s character Inder has his hands full throughout the music video, trying to sort out the actress in her weird state.
Throughout the music video, Inder takes numerous pictures and selfies of the two, capturing the crazy moments on his cellphone. Generating quite the buzz on social media, Mawra’s sister Urwa Hocane did her best to hype up the release of the song’s music video with a tweet:-
Trade analyst and film expert Taran Adarsh described Kheench Meri Photo as a ‘winning track’.
According to a tweet from Mawra, the actress was wasting no time and had started dubbing for the song on the very first day of 2016.
The latest music video from Sanam Teri Kasam has already generated quite the buzz. Will Mawra be able to make a big splash when her debut Bollywood flick finally releases?
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