Merub Ali, Asim Azhar shell out couple goals in new pictures

The showbiz lovebirds Asim Azhar and Merub Ali shelled out major couple goals in dreamy pictures from a recent wedding.

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Taking to her Instagram handle over the weekend, Merub Ali treated her 1.3 million followers with some stunning portraits of herself with her fiance, singer Asim Azhar, as the couple decked up in Eastern fits for a recent wedding.

“Dreamy vibes at #LalRazi’s mehndi,” she wrote in the caption of the five-picture gallery with a series of emojis as well as styling credits.

The wedding dump sees the ‘Sinf-e-Aahan’ actor ace her wedding guest style in a heavily embellished multi-coloured lehenga, paired with a solid jewel-toned choli and sheer dupatta. She styled the fit with gold jewellery, dewy glam makeup and a braided hairdo. On the other hand, Azhar kept it event-appropriate with a dark shalwar kameez, waistcoat and a shawl.

Thousands of her fans on Gram showered their love on the now-viral post with likes and comments for the celebrities.

It is pertinent to note here that Asim Azhar and Merub Ali announced their engagement in 2022. Sharing glimpses of the close-knit affair simultaneously on their respective social media handles, the couple wrote, “With the grace of Allah Almighty and our parent’s duas, we announce our Imam Zamin – engagement.”

Notably, the singer-actor duo have been childhood friends and often made public appearances before making their relationship official. They were also seen together in the blockbuster serial ‘Sinf-e-Aahan‘.

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