PPP leader demands investigation into Dr Furqan’s death in Karachi

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) leader Dr Nafisa Shah has said that the incident of Dr Furqan-ul-Haq’s death was sorrowful and demanded to open an investigation into the medic’s death due to coronavirus, ARY News reported on Monday.

Dr Nafisa Shah, while talking to ARY News programme ‘Off The Record’, said that an investigation should be opened to find out reasons behind the death of Dr Furqan infected with coronavirus and alleged rejection to provide medical facilities despite the availability of ventilators at the hospitals.

“Why he was not given a ventilator to save his life? It must be investigated. I don’t know whether the authorities ordered to hold an inquiry into the incident as yet or not. We are consistently saying to be fully prepared for fighting coronavirus. We are also saying that the Sindh government has more ventilators in numbers.”

Read: PMA demands Sindh govt to conduct inquiry into doctor’s death

She urged that the concerned authorities should also pay attention to the deteriorated situation of coronavirus pandemic across the country besides looking into the facts regarding Dr Furqan’s death.

Earlier on Sunday, the doctor infected with coronavirus lost his life due to non-availability of the ventilator in different hospitals of Karachi. Dr Furqan lost his life due to non-availability of ventilators in government hospitals, whereas, the private hospitals have also rejected to take him in as they were already packed with coronavirus patients.

A retired general physician Dr Furqan of Karachi Institute of Heart Diseases became the victim of coronavirus around one week ago and went into isolation at his residence.

Dr Furqan kept fighting for life at ambulance for two hours, however, he lost his life when the family brought him to Dow’s Ojha hospital.

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