Nearly 1000 rattlesnakes found under California home


An animal rescuer who was called to a California home where snakes were spotted under the house said he ended up rounding up 92 rattlesnakes.

Al Wolf of Sonoma County Reptile Rescuer said he responded to a North Bay home where a resident spotted a snake slithering under the building, and he looked under the house to discover dozens of reptiles taking shelter.

Wolf said: “It took about three hours, but I found a total of 92 rattlesnakes under that house, I was tickled pink, I wish that happened everyday to me.” He said he has been bitten 13 times during his 32-year-old long career of catching the reptiles.

Wolf posted photos of the snakes he removed from under the house to Facebook.

He said it’s unusual to find so many rattlesnakes in one place, and the recent drought is likely to blame.

“The drought will cause them to go to areas where there’s water, looking for lizards and rodents,” he said.

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