Pakistan announces Eidul Adha holidays

Pakistan Eidul Adha holidaysPakistan Eidul Adha holidays

ISLAMABAD: The federal government on Tuesday announced holidays on the occasion of Eidul Adha 2023, ARY News reported.

According to a statement issued by Cabinet Division, Eidul Adha holidays will be observed from Thursday, June 29 to Saturday, July 1.

The notification issued on Tuesday stated: “In continuation of Cabinet Division’s Circular No. 10-02/2022-Min-II dated 23rd December 2022 regarding Public and Optional Holidays for the year 2023, it is for general information that the Prime Minister is please to approve the public holidays on the occasion of Eid-ul-Azha as follows;

  • 29th & 30th June 2023 (Thursday & Friday) for the offices observing five days working in a week.
  • 29th June to 1st July 2023 (Thursday, Friday & Saturday) for the offices observing 6 days working in a week.

The announcement comes a day after Central Ruet-i-Hilal Committee Chairman Maulana Abdul Khabeer Azad announced that Zil Hajj moon was sighted in Pakistan and Eidul Azha will fall on June 29 (Thursday).

Chairman Maulana Abdul Khabeer Azad made the announcement in Islamabad before the media after receiving moon sighting testimonies.

Eidul Azha, also known as the Feast of Sacrifice, is one of two Eid festivals celebrated by Muslims to commemorate Prophet Ibrahim’s willingness to sacrifice his son to God.

Traditionally marked by the slaughter of animals, whose meat is shared with family members and the poor.

The faithful slaughter their sacrificial animals in remembrance of the tradition of Prophet Ibrahim, which continues for three days of Eid.

It is to be mentioned here that Hajj rituals will be performed on June 27 and Eidul Azha (10 Zil Hajj) will be celebrated on June 28 in Saudi Arabia.

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