Pakistan cricket team donates Rs3.2mn to dams fund

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KARACHI: The Pakistan cricket team has donated Rs 3.2 million to help finance the construction of dams in the country. 

During a media talk here, skipper Sarfraz Ahmed revealed that the cricket team donated Rs 3.2 million to the PM and CJ-Dam Fund.

Underscoring the need for the construction of dams in the country, he said Pakistan and our future generations will benefit from them.

Earlier, Prime Minister Imran Khan had directed all PTI chapters abroad and all those of other political parties to launch a ‘jihad’ to collect funds for building dams in Pakistan.

“The future of our next generations will be in

jeopardy, if we do not take any urgent steps to build water reservoirs,” Prime Minister Imran Khan said in an address broadcast on the national television networks and said the country faced a “serious crisis”.

Khan said that in the briefings he had received in the past one fortnight, he was astonished to find out the quantum of challenges the country faced.

He said the total loans the country owed were Rs 6000 billion (Rs 6 trillion) ten years back, but today they had swelled to Rs 30,000 billions (Rs 30 trillion). The water crisis was the most serious crisis confronting the country, he added.

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